ISLAM is the final and definitive addition of Divine Revelation, obviating the necessity of another Religion or Prophet, God has blessed it with an unending, inexhaustible and permanently enforcable system of punishments. The philosophy of Islamic punishments is adopted to eliminate the conditions which affect the […]
Category: Ethics
The life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is an archetype which serves as a practical demonstration and an exegesis of Allah’s commandment of adopting peace in its entirety. The Prophet ﷺ set a precedent for the greatest ethical, spiritual and sociopolitical revolution in human […]
Business Etiquettes and Ethics
Business Etiquette’s and Ethics TAKING TRADE as a means of earning livelihood is encouraged in Islam. The Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) said: Take to trade, because there are nine portions in trade out of ten portions of provisions. ►(Reported in Ihya-ul-Uloom by Imam Ghazali). Islam laid much stress […]
Charter of Medina : The First constitution of Human History
Nearly 1,400 years ago, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) directed the preparation of a governing outline for an Islamic state which was named “The Charter of Medina”. At that time, Medina was inhabited by various tribes and religious groups, and the charter mandated peaceful coexistence […]
Prophetic guidance on Serving Humanity (Khidma)
Almighty Allah made the religion of Islam, a religion of mercy, ease, moderation, clemency and temperance. The Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) was sent as mercy to the whole of creation; and he is full of compassion and kindness. There are several traditions from the […]
Prophetic Teachings about Ease and Moderation in Religion
EVERYTHING IS PERMISSIBLE UNLESS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED Allah and His Beloved Prophet(ﷺ) expanded the sphere of permissibility(hilla) and constricted the ambit of forbiddance(hurma) for the welfare of mankind. The original rule for everything is permissibility(unless a legal evidence prohibits it).Almighty Allah has blessed the Ummah with […]
Excellence of visiting the Sick
Duty of a Muslim is that when his Muslim brother is sick he should visit him. The Arabic word for inquiring on the health of the sick is ‘Ayaadat which means to return. It is our duty to visit our Muslim brethren in time of illness. […]
Jihad – A Misunderstood Concept
The critics of Islam, insist that Islam and Muslims are openly hostile and intolerant towards communities other than their own. They refer to the Qur’anic verses that exhort the believers to fight the infidels, they point to the battles of early Islam and the eventual […]
Mercy with Spouses
Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an (which means):And (also) of His signs is that He created for you mates of your own kind so that you acquire peace from them, and He created between you love and mercy. Verily, in this (system of creation) […]
The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Ethics of War
This selection of counsels from the Prophet (peace be upon him) provide guidance that applies in times of peace as much as war. They expose the fallacies and illegitimacy of the acts perpetrated by groups falsely acting in the ,name of Islam. Their attacks against […]